Process and Emissions Monitoring

Dust Process monitoring is one aspect of air quality that industrial hygienist use to determine the amount of dust particles present in the workplace, cities or communities over a given period of time. Two types of dust monitoring include PM10 and Respirable dust, where the quantity and size of the particles are both measured.Measuring the dust concentration or opacity in the stack of a power plant fired by fossil fuels is a standard requirement. The exact measuring ranges and the number of components are dependent on local or national regulatory requirements and are indicated in the plant operating permit.



The S305QAL stack emissions dust monitor meets the highest European standards as defined in EN14181. The S305QAL is approved for and is suitable for use on waste incineration and all combustion plant applications. The S305QAL1 comes with many key features making it a very reliable, low maintenance, sensitive and robust solution for stack measurements. Certified measuring ranges: 0…7.5 mg/m3, 0…15 mg/m3 and 0…100 mg/m3.




The PCME Stack 602 is a modbus based cross-stack optical measuring system which uses a dynamic sensing technique to measure the rate of change of light (DynamicOpacityTM Ratiometric Opacity technology) as particulates pass through a modulated light beam.


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